How to Submit

Please send a written piece – or a photograph, a memory, an art piece, a song – whatever it may be that represents the sensation, the vision, or the feeling of your story. It can be something very small or seemingly „unimportant“ to the world. The only thing that counts is why it is important for YOU. We would love to hear details, feelings, and deeper thoughts.

Anonymous submissions are welcome.

Your post will be shared on Instagram and considered for a future printed publication. Please let us know of any URLs/accounts you would like us to include. We will contact you if your submission will be considered for the printed issue later this year.

Images must be 1200 x 900 72 DPI. We can share up to 5 images. Videos will be shared via a link.
There is no minimum or maximum word count for text.
By submitting images to, the sender will grant MyOrb to reproduce any portion of the photo images taken for the purpose of publication which can include but is not limited to website, social channels, magazine, journal, third party publication, and promotion, without any compensation or recognition given to the sender. By submitting images via email the sender will grant creative permission to alter the images. The sender will release and agree to hold MyOrb harmless, its partners, and agents for whom MyOrb is acting, of and from any liability by virtue of taking of the pictures or using testimonial/ biographical data. Submitted images must be original and the sender must obtain all copyrights for reproduction. The sender confirms that they own all copy and usage rights to all submitted visuals, text, and sound.


Clementine is a non-profit project and collaborative storytelling platform founded by artist Lucie Kim and writer Carrie Ingoglia.


Clementine is produced by MyOrb Studio.